Knee Pain Specialist
Peak Spine & Sports
Interventional Pain Management Specialists & Pain Management Specialists located in Marlton, Collingswood, Hoboken, Ridgewood & Paterson
Knee pain can persist long after an injury has occurred or get worse as the joint degenerates over time. At Peak Spine & Sports Medicine in Marlton, Hoboken, Ridgewood, Paterson, Lawrenceville, and Collingswood, New Jersey, pain management specialists Jill Kalariya, MD, and Milind Patel, MD, MBA, and their team deliver individualized care for chronic and new knee pain. Schedule your treatment consultation over the phone or online at Peak Spine & Sports Medicine today.
Knee Pain Q & A
What is knee pain?
Knee pain is a symptom that often comes with joint instability or weakness, which can turn walking or even standing up into a chore. Painful knees are more common in adults because of age-related wear and tear and repeated pressure on the structures in the joint, but knee injuries leading to knee pain can happen at any age.
The team at Peak Spine & Sports Medicine asks you to describe your knee pain in detail. Be sure to add when the pain started, which part of the knee it affects, and whether or not you have any other symptoms. You might experience:
- Popping or crunching when you move the joint
- Redness and swelling
- Trouble straightening your knee
- Stiffness
After physically examining you, the team might order imaging tests or arthroscopy to see the inside of the joint up close.
What causes knee pain?
Knee pain comes from injuries, arthritis, and structural or mechanical problems. The team at Peak Spine & Sports Medicine evaluates you for all possibilities:
Knee injuries
Injuries of the knee tend to happen very quickly, like when you misplace a step or experience impact while playing sports. Common knee injuries include fractures, ligament tears, and meniscus tears.
Arthritis is a group of degenerative joint conditions. Two of the most common - osteoarthritis and rheumatoid arthritis - often attack the knee joints.
Mechanical or structural issues
Mechanical and structural issues involving the knee can cause or worsen knee pain. Sometimes, injuries further down the leg in the foot or ankle can cause you to walk with an unusual gait, placing extra pressure on the knee and leading to pain. Another example is a dislocated kneecap.
How can I manage my knee pain?
Managing long-term knee pain requires expert advice and care from the pain management team at Peak Spine & Sports Medicine. After evaluating you, the team begins tailoring your treatment plan to prioritize noninvasive and minimally invasive treatments first.
You might find success in managing your knee pain with medications, physical therapy, or nutritional counseling, and taking some time to rest your knee and give it a chance to heal.
If conservative treatment for knee pain doesn’t significantly relieve your knee pain, Peak Spine & Sports Medicine offers anti-inflammatory joint injections for the knee. Hyaluronic acid, which lubricates the joint, is an option.
Regenerative injections like platelet-rich plasma (PRP) and stem cell therapy are also effective for joint pain. For refractory cases, radiofrequency neurotomy can improve quality of life and decrease pain.
In rare cases, knee surgery is necessary to repair damage or replace the joint. The team at Peak Spine & Sports Medicine does everything they can to help you avoid the preparation, risks, and extensive recovery that come with surgery.
Without careful management, knee pain can impact you for a lifetime. Book your knee pain treatment consultation by phone or online at Peak Spine & Sports Medicine today.
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